1) Where modern agriculture now ploughs the furrow, E-B was once a clearing in the vast Hay Forest which stretched all the way to Hay On Zed.
2) The ancient Camp: An iron-age site on a promontory overlooking a bend in the shallows of the Zed River. One day the Roman Army arrived.
The Romans grew fruit & vines on the slopes of the camp. From where I sits you would have seen & heard the Romans sinistering & dextering along the narrow winding road at the foot of my garden.
3) A picturesque 14th century church.
4) Whilst Bunbury boasts Lady Godiva, E-B had it's medieval highpoint: the annual Lurping.
WHO: russell@russell-clark.it
1) Where modern agriculture now ploughs the furrow, E-B was once a clearing in the vast Hay Forest which stretched all the way to Hay On Zed.
2) The ancient Camp: An iron-age site on a promontory overlooking a bend in the shallows of the Zed River. One day the Roman Army arrived.
The Romans grew fruit & vines on the slopes of the camp. From where I sits you would have seen & heard the Romans sinistering & dextering along the narrow winding road at the foot of my garden.
3) A picturesque 14th century church.
4) Whilst Bunbury boasts Lady Godiva, E-B had it's medieval highpoint: the annual Lurping.
WHO: russell@russell-clark.it