About Us
The origins of Eatson-Bisshop Civic Society
The Society was founded in 1867 by Robert Wilkins, of Wilkins Court,
Sir Frederick Wallace-Greenby, Lord of the Manor, and Eleanor Ffitch-Hampton, widow of a local merchant.
Their intent was to explore the history of E-B and protect it's visual and environmental heritage.
Over the years we have become a social club, a focus for events, and home to a number of thriving Special Interest Groups - a gardening and horticultural SIG to mention just one.
Society Officers
Should you wish to contact us please follow the 'Contact' link & your message will be forwarded to the requisite individual
Chair: Dorothy Welsh
Dep. Chair: Stephen Welsh
Treasurer: Lady Adrienne Rees-Boone
Membership Sec: W.A. McFerson
SIGs: Steven & Emily Poopes
Events Organisers: Bill & Betty Billhooke
Please follow the link for the Events page for more detail.
Meetings: We meet on the second Tuesday of the month.
AGM: This year the AGM will be held in the Village Hall on 22nd. Sept 2022. Members are reminded that a good turn-out is good for P-R.
Village Show 2022: 12 September. From 10.00am.
Christmas Ball 2022: 12 December